About Tara

I started my photography business in 2012. Over the past 11 years, I have found the best version of myself behind a camera and working with clients. Photography has given me the freedom to say yes, to enjoy all the stages of childhood, and most of all, to see the beauty in every person.

I love the connections I make with my clients, and the opportunity to capture the connections within families. I know how important it is to have reminders of that love and that connection surrounding you on the difficult days of parenting and adulting. My goal is to have special, loving moments of your family and children displayed on your walls.

I have built up a reputation of working well with children- building their confidence, helping them express their personalities, and making them feel comfortable.

My specialty is making the photo shoot process enjoyable for EVERY family member. So if you have previous negative experiences, or reluctant spouses or children, let me help you. One of my biggest successes has been turning those reluctant family members into enthusiastic repeat clients.

Photo Credit: Sarah Mae Photography
Photo Credit: Sarah Mae Photography

I have been married for 16 years. I have four wonderful children and two moderately well trained dogs.

In gratitude for the blessed life I’ve had, I volunteer for my church, the Carrollton Early Childhood PTA, and Labor of Hope.